Why become a sperm donor?
Men choose to become sperm donors for a variety of reasons. Some men opt to become sperm donors to help pay off debts, fund their education, or achieve financial goals. Additionally, many individuals are motivated by the desire to make a meaningful contribution to help others struggling with infertility to start or expand their families. ACRC Global values the altruism and generosity of our sperm donors in making a significant impact on the lives of Intended Parents while pursuing their own financial and personal objectives.
Sperm Donor Criteria
Must be between the ages of 21 and 38 based on ASRM recommendation.
Meet Physical & Mental Health Requirements
Applicant must pass applicable evaluations.
Non-Smoker & Non-Drug User
Including marijuana, even if you live in a state where it is legal.
Additional Screenings
Must agree to completing drug, criminal and psychological screening.
Medical appointments and travel are an essential part of the sperm donation journey.
The Process of Sperm Donation
1. Application Submission
2. Intake and Contract Signing
3. Pre-Evaluation and Medical Clearance
4. Matching with Intended Parents
5. Embark on Your Sperm Donation Journey
6. Sperm Donation
Take just one minute to complete our online application. Expect a response from one of our Intake Managers within 24 hours.
You’ll have an interview with our Intake Manager. During this step, you'll also sign your benefit package and contract. Concurrently, we will ask you to start gathering your medical records.
Our Intake Manager will conduct a background check and review your medical records.
After successfully completing the intake process and pre-evaluation, your Case Manager will begin the process of matching you with an Intended Parent. You will be informed once the match is confirmed.
Throughout your journey, your dedicated Case Manager will coordinate donation, legal, and medical appointments, providing you with constant support and guidance.
In sperm donation, there are two main categories: Directed Donor and Non-Identified Donor. For non-identified donations, FDA regulations require a 6-month quarantine period for the sperm. During this time, the donor must undergo a second FDA panel test six months after the initial sperm collection. Once these requirements are fulfilled, including the initial donation and follow-up testing, the donor is compensated.